vps hosting

How Small Business Owners Can Benefit from VPS Hosting

How Small Business Owners Can Benefit from VPS Hosting

Ever business today, should have an online presence and those who are already into the ecommerce industry with money transactions often need a dedicated server to carry out their business operations. But this might not be possible with a low budget. What is the solution then? The best thing to consider is the VPS hosting package from a reliable company that resembles a dedicated server, but often costs less in most cases.

With thousands of visitors on your site every day, you may have plans to add latest features on your site, extend its functionalities to bring in more traffic. With shared hosting packages, this might not be an easy task. A VPS is a virtual server, and one of several are created on a single physical server. The computing resources and the total amount of space that you get with VPS hosting is often more than what you get with shared hosting.

How VPS hosting can help small business owners?

Liberty to run any applications:

Virtual Private Servers offer complete control on your computing environment and it is totally independent of any other users sharing the physical servers. Since it can run using its own OS, users are free to use any applications that are compatible with the operating system.  You can choose any operating systems for e.g. Windows or Linux. You also have the freedom to configure the server to suit your specific website needs, which is not possible with shared hosting.

Highly scalable:

Another benefit of using VPS hosting is that it is highly scalable and this means that you can change the resources that are allocated to your server without any downtime and with great ease. When you first start your business, you might not need a lot of resources, but as your business grows, you can scale up the resources to suit your needs. Not only this, even if in the future, you feel that you have bought too many resources, you can just scale back down again.

High security:

VPS hosting is more secure than any shared hosting services, so business owners can be confident that the data their website contains will not be hacked or infected. The main reason is that as a single entity, the apps and data are stored on the servers are totally separate from those of other users. If in any case one user gets a malware infection, there is no possibility for it to spread into yours. Similarly, the hackers also cannot use a backdoor from one client to another.

No more slow performance:

A big concern about shared hosting is that, the heavy performance of one site can easily slow down the performance of others. If in case one user runs a resource intensive application or even draws a lot of traffic, there are less resources available for others and this can actually slow downloading of your website. With VPS, although the physical server is shared, they have dedicated resources like the CPU, storage capacity or memory.

Cost effective solutions:

With a growing business, you have to spend a lot on various things and it is important that your IT spend is cost effective. VPS offers a great solution between anything shared and dedicated hosting, both in terms of expense and capacity. VPS often wins when it comes to small businesses owners in choosing the best hosting services for them.

VPS hosting has several other factors also that can impact your decision. The advantages are great and for a new business, it is the best solution to help you remain competitive in the market.



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